church multiplication

why church planting?

The population keeps growing. Culture keeps changing. The reality is new churches are responsible for most conversions and growth across the Assemblies of God. Our hope is to have one church for every 15,000 Hoosiers. To accomplish this at current population growth rates, we’ll need to plant around 250 new churches in the next decade. We believe in multiple methods and styles of church plants. Our hope is to have attractional model churches, missional churches, Dinner Churches, PAC (Parent Affiliated Church) churches, rural churches, urban churches, campus churches, University churches and just about any other kind of church one could think of! Our task is enormous! We are always looking for called and passionate people interested in partnering with us to plant churches all over Indiana. 

what is the process?

There are nuances to the process depending on the specific planter, location of the new church, and model to be used, but generally, the process is outlined here:

  • CONTACT  Email the Indiana District Assemblies of God (IDAG) Church Planting Director.
  • MEET  Our Church Planting Director or one of our Lead Team Members will reach out to you and set up a time to get to know you and discuss your calling to church planting.
  • ASSESS  Utilizing our National Church Planting Office, Church Multiplication Network (CMN), complete an online Church Planter Assessment to determine strengths and weaknesses.
  • REVIEW  Meet with our Church Planting Director to review the assessment results and determine next steps.
  • TRAIN  Attend, at IDAG expense, a CMN Launch event to receive training.
  • INTERVIEW  Meet with the Church Development Lead Team at one of their regular meetings to interview and vet the potential new church.
  • APPROVAL  After Lead Team approval, the new church plant will be presented to the Executive Presbytery of Indiana for full, final approval and support.
  • SHARE  Local churches in the area of the new church plant will be contacted to discuss and inform those pastors of the new church coming. We seek unity in this area, but do not require local church approval for planting a new church.
  • FINALIZE  The Church Planting Director or one of the local Lead Team members will begin working with the planter to develop budgets, seek potential locations, develop timelines, and finalize launch plans.

There is much more our office does to assist in the process, and some other steps we may ask the planter to take. These are developed and accomplished through walking out the process together. 

target communities

This map identifies 190 communities the Indiana District has targeted for future church plants and ministries. Our goal is for every Hoosier to be within reach of a healthy Assemblies of God church. We’ve used the ration of one church for every 15,000 residents as our rule of thumb to accomplish this goal. The map below identifies by county the target communities for this first wave of new plants. 

Green counties indicate the ration of 1:15,000 is being met with current churches.

Yellow counties indicate a moderate need for new churches.

Red counties indicate a great need for new churches.

Blue is the most concerning for us. Blue indicates a county which has ZERO Assemblies of God churches in the entire county. Our goal for these counties is to plant first in the county seat before launching in other communities. 


how do I get started?

Prayerfully consider...

  • IF you're called to plant a church
  • WHERE you may be feeling a burden to plant
  • WHEN the time might be to start this new work

Once you have worked through these on your own, please contact us to continue the process.  We look forward to hearing what God is speaking to you!

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